Our 10 ‘beautiful’ principals

To provide prosthetics and orthotics for children and adults displaced by war or catastrophe

Our Mission

Since the 19th of November 2023 we have been creating cost efficient pathways to prosthetics & orthotics and infrastructure to children as a primary concern, and then adults, displaced by war in Gaza.

Why Gaza?

Data from Save the Children suggests Gaza has the largest cohort of paediatric amputees the world has ever seen, increasing at an average rate of ten per day. We want to rebuild Gazan children & adults into the bionic superheroes they all are, and aid in rebuilding the infrastructure for prosthesis in Gaza.


We work with other organisations to identify victims and prioritise them according to their medical needs, vulnerabilities, accessibility and suitability. Our donations go directly to P&O centres and manufacturers to pay for the cost of each patient and we are eligible to receive donations and grants to help those with a limb difference.


We work with the International Society of Prosthetics & Orthotics to ensure we use the most up to date global models in prosthetics and orthotics, including models that have been used successfully in Ukraine.

Prosthetic & Orthotic Centres

We work with leading global and local P&O centres to ensure the best possible service, and the best minds to work on complex blast injury patients.


We have a network of global Certified Prosthetic & Orthotic Technicians whom we use to conduct measurements. We also use our team to provide expertise to other organisations. This includes free PMR assessments and consultations for follow-up prosthesis and rehabilitation.

Research & Development

We work with the Centre for Paediatric Blast Injury at Imperial College and the Centre for Pain Research after Traumatic Injury at the University of Bath to seek out improvements in the field prosthetics, such as new design features compatible with childhood growth and blast injury.

Your Donations

Your donations are used to cover the cost of a pathway to prosthesis for displaced victims.

Inclusive language

We aim to use the right language to identify our cohort, hence we call them #gazaslimbdifference community. Follow the hashtag on Instagram to learn more.


Why Lady Zainab?

In the sixth century, an Arab woman, by the name of Zainab bint Ali was displaced by war. She witnessed the massacre of her entire family, and witnessed their amputation. Before being taken captive, she rescued all of the remaining children, and brought them to safety. She is considered a hero for her actions during the events that unfolded.

Why ‘I saw nothing, but beauty?’

The perpetrators of the crime against Lady Zainab mocked her circumstances, in reply, she stated the famous line, ‘I saw nothing, but beauty,’ cementing her legacy today and remaining unconquered and dignified. We now want to use this as our motto to help blast injury victims displaced by war to see ‘nothing, but beauty’ too.

Support our campaigns

Visit our Instagram page to learn more about our campaign #gazaslimbdifference and #isawnothingbutbeauty.

Visit our online shop to support our work where 100% of profits our donated to us.

Our donations are used to cover the cost of a pathway to prosthesis for displaced victims

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