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Learn more Join NowTo provide prosthetic limbs and related items to injured children displaced by war
To provide prosthetic limbs and related items to injured children displaced by war.
To teach the children to see ???nothing but beauty??? in their circumstances, in their abilities, and their outlook through the legacy of Lady Zainab.
To rebuild displaced children, child by child, and teach them that ???impossible??? is a mere concept of the mind.
To identify children by working directly with first responders in areas of displaced children, then facilitate quotes and operations.
To work with world renowned organisations in the field of prosthetics and orthopaedic technology to facilitate this.
To fundraise for each child with a child-centric approach, utilizing their biographies.
To embody a volunteer-led and not-for-profit charity that turns all donations into tangible outcomes offering itemised reports on invoices paid for each child.
To create positive, focused, deliverable outcomes for donors by facilitating successful operations child by child, and an ongoing charity in the use of the prosthetic limb.
Upon completion of a successful operation, to utilize remaining donations, (including gift aid if applicable) for the next child.
And finally, to embody the spirit of ???I saw Nothing but Beauty??? by creating beauty in the hearts of children, by delivering hope and fulfilling promises that create the best outcomes for all involved.
Data from Save the Children suggests Gaza has the largest cohort of paediatric amputees the world has ever seen, increasing at an average rate of ten per day. Medical infrastructure has been destroyed, we want to rebuild Gazan children into the superheroes they all are, and aid in rebuilding the infrastructure for prosthesis in Gaza.
We work with NGO???s to identify children in various locations and prioritize them according to needs, vulnerability, and accessibility.
We work with leading global and local prosthesis providers to ensure the best possible service.
We work with leading global and local prosthesis providers to ensure the best possible service.
We have a network of global Certified Prosthetic and Orthotic Technicians whom we fly to meet victims for measurement. We also use our team to provide expertise to other NGO???s.
We work with research institutions, and scientists to seek out technological advancements to replicate and source affordable prosthesis with new design features compatible with childhood growth and blast injuries.
Your donations are used to cover the cost of a pathway to prosthesis for displaced victims.
We aim to use the right language to identify our cohort, hence we call them #gazaslimbdifference community. Follow the hashtag on Instagram to learn more.
In the sixth century, a Muslim woman by the name of Zainab bint Ali, was displaced by war, after witnessing the massacre of her family. She rescued the remaining children and brought them to safety, after they were taken captive.
The bird stands for peace, freedom, and limitless potential. The nest and the eggs stand for a new foundation and new beginning for our beneficiaries with universal, unconditional love.
The perpetrators of the crime against Lady Zainab mocked her circumstances, in reply, she stated the famous line, ???I saw nothing, but beauty,??? cementing her legacy today and remaining unconquered and dignified. We now want to use this as our motto to help blast injury victims displaced by war to see ???nothing, but beauty??? too.
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The perpetrators of the crime against Lady Zainab mocked her circumstances, in reply, she stated the famous line, ???I saw nothing, but beauty,??? cementing her legacy today and remaining unconquered and dignified. We now want to use this as our motto to help blast injury victims displaced by war to see ???nothing, but beauty??? too.